Thursday 26 July 2012

20 - 21 July 2012
Crossed into the Rebublic of Ireland en route to Limerick. This church, like many throughout Ireland, was destroyed by Cromwell's forces after he had ruthlessly retaken Ireland in 1649, all of course in the name of the King.

There are thousands of uncompleted or unoccupied homes throughout Ireland as a result of the financial crisis. Sir Boyle Roche, a famous Irish politican said back in the late 1700s  "The cup of Ireland's misery has been overflowing for centuries and is not yet half full"   I think he was right.

Another castle, this one at Limerick. Our visit to Limerick started a spate of Limerick writing.

Dodging tractors tearing up and down the main street was a common occurence everywhere we went. This was in Kildare where we stayed overnight on a dairy farm B&B.

The Irish National Stud at Kildare is where some of the best stayers in the world are bred. Pictured is Vintage Crop who is enjoying his retirement at the Stud. Vintage Crop won the Melbourne Cup in 1993 and was the first foreign horse (other than NZ) to win the Cup.

I've never met a young colt who didn't enjoy a bum scratch.

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