Thursday 26 July 2012

18 - 19 July 2012

We headed off southwards to County Fermanagh and stayed two nights in Enniskillen.  With limited time available, we began following up on some family ancestry as two lines in my ancestry, the Elliotts and the Armstrongs, both came from this region.

With a lot of searching and a little bit of luck, we came across the Magheracross Cemetery on top of a hill just outside Ballinamallard. A church once stood here back in the 17th century. Nearly all of the headstones are eroded away and totally illegible.

One of the newer headstones was that of my Great Great Grandparents, Alexander and Jane Elliott. Their headstone had been upgraded sometime after 1936. I have often wondered about the gravity of the moment when my GG Grandparents had to say goodbye to their son Andrew, possibly never to see him again.

An old Irish blessing may give a clue. "May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the rain fall soft upon your fields, And the sun shine warm upon your face, Until we meet again"

The Irish equivalent of a TAB. This was in Belleck at the western end of Lower Lough Erne. Belleck is best known for its world famous Pottery factory.

Upper Lough Erne at dusk.

A picture of a picture of a large pike caught from the lough.

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