Saturday 4 August 2012

2nd August 2012

It's W8 finals day. The Aussie girls were never going to be a medal chance after drawing Lane 1, the lane most affected by the prevailing crosswind.

GB, the one team AUS had consistently beaten, drew Lane 6 which was the most protected lane. AUS in Lane 6 would have certainly challenged for bronze as they rowed a great race.

It was another long day as we moved from the rowing to the evening volley ball session to see USA beat Brazil in a close game.

3 August 2012

The Equestrian Complex in Greenwich Park is magnificent. All events including the cross country have been hosted there. We lined up for a session of the Dressage.

It was a beautiful sunny day,

until it poured rain. Luckily it didn't last long.

The gold medal winner, a young GB girl, salutes the judges. She won with a record breaking standout performance.

Sally joined us for a group get together and then dinner at theWheatsheaf Pub. When all the rowing is completed on 4 August, the rowing team will move into the Athlete's Village proper for the rest of the Olympics. Hopefully they will all emerge unscathed.

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